Manage your Tasks with MyLenio
- MyLenio allows you to assign Tasks to your Team
- You can configure multiple files that are required for the user to complete the task.
- Ask for a Background Check, Ask them to Complete their Profile!
- You can connect gSuite / Office 365 to save all attachments to your Drive.
- MyLenio will track who has completed, who is overdue and notify them.
- Monitor real-time how everyone is doing regarding their Tasks

Dashboard showing Pending Tasks
Assign Tasks to your Teams
- With MyLenio, you will efficiently manage and securely distribute Tasks all across the organization.
- First, you'll have to add the Tasks to be used.
- Then share it to the right users in a Team, and that's it.
- MyLenio will send them the Tasks and track the progress on them.
- Self-service system to get things done

List of Tasks!
- Once you've added all of your Tasks to the platform, you'll only have to share them with the rights users.
- They will receive a notification that a new Task is available to them.
- As soon as they log into MyLenio, they will see it on their dashboard if there are one or more Tasks to be completed.
- Once in the Tasks section, they'll have listed all the Tasks for them to complete.
- MyLenio is integrated with gSuite and Office 365 for saving those attachments into their Drive

List of all Tasks for an Employee
Integrate with gSuite and Office 365
- MyLenio is integrated with gSuite and Office 365
- Use your Drive service to save all the attachments related to each Task
- Easy Integration, Safe Data

Request a Demo
A representative will call you to show Mylenio in action
Track Progress with the Compliance Dashboard
- MyLenio will track all the Tasks and their status
- You can see on the Compliance Dashboard a live report for this information
- See who is overdue, who didn't finish a Task
- MyLenio will also notify overdue users about their status.
- 360 view of your Company Status

Other features you might be interested on
- 12 tools on how to Organize your Small Business : Learn some of the tricks we found on most of our Customers on how to properly organize your Company and how MyLenio can help you
- Human Resources: MyLenio provides a robust set of tools to allow your HR team to perform their daily activities in an organized way. It also provides engagement tools for your employees, recruitment modules. HR People Love.
- People Directory: Have a place to connect with colleagues and find more about them. Easily find contact information in your Company
- Automate IT: MyLenio helps you Automate your IT with different tools for Automatic Permission for SaaS Resources, Manage External Users, Connect your gSuite or Office 365 Directory, and others to reduce time & save money by automating your processes.
- Training: MyLenio allows you to manage, securely distribute, and complete different training without leaving the platform.
- Documents: MyLenio allows you to manage, securely distribute, and sign documents without leaving the platform.