Fill all the general fields
- Here you'll be able to state some of the main fields of your company
- Company Name, URL, Contact Details, Corporative Email, Administrative email,
- Email to report internal incidents, another one to report security issues.
- Choosing the user that will be signing all the training
- Select the Calendar you'll be using at the platform.
- Configure sections available for External Users

Customize MyLenio to your Company needs
Configurate other Important integrations
- Select what system to use to sign documents (Docusign or Manual Signing).
- Select how to send notifications (through Slack or Mail).
- Select where you want to save all tasks and signed documents (choose a drive service folder).
- Configure how the application will interact with your SaaS Applications

Change Notifications, Docusign, Drives to use
Add section headers and upload your logo.
- Here you'll be able to introduce the headers for each page of the frontend.
- The messages should be clear and self-explanatory so that your users can understand what can be done in any section.
- You'll also be able to upload your company logo.
- Customize MyLenio to match your company culture.

Customize your Sections with your own Copy
Add your Social Media profiles
- Configure each Social Media from your Company.
- These icons will be visible for each user on login.
- Instagram, Linked In, Facebook, Twitter. Here's where to list them!

Request a Demo
A representative will call you to show Mylenio in action
Other features you might be interested on
- Teams: MyLenio lets you organize your employees in Teams. From each team, you'll be able to assign training, documents, and tasks for them to complete. Specify all SaaS resources that each team needs to perform their work and provide automatic permissions to all these teams. Model your teams, and let MyLenio take care of the heavy lifting for you.
- Human Resources: MyLenio provides a robust set of tools to allow your HR team to perform their daily activities in an organized way. It also provides engagement tools for your employees, recruitment modules. HR People Love.
- Teams for Admins: MyLenio allows you to create Teams, Assign Roles, and provide automatic permissions to your SaaS Applications. You can also add Documents, Training, and Tasks!
- Employee Dashboard: MyLenio provides a Dashboard for each employee to see the latest announcements, recognitions, national holidays, who is on vacation, among other things!
- Slack Integration: Connect your Slack Account to manage your team permissions and create, edit, or remove your Channels and Groups directly from MyLenio.